Partner network

Join the Data Science Institute's partner network to bring the most
in-demand education and certifications to your students.

Why partner with the Data Science Institute?

Data scientists and analysts are among the fastest-growing and most in-demand job roles in the world, and there is a shortage of qualified professionals with the skills and knowledge required by organisations globally. Partnering with the Data Science Institute will enable your organisation to benefit from both academically accredited and industry-validated data science education.

Set up a call with a partner consultant

As a partner you will benefit from:

  • Increased student enrolments
  • A head-start with accredited programmes in data science and analytics
  • An expanded portfolio of programmes
  • Increased revenues
  • Expert guidance and support
  • Students ready for careers in data science and analytics
  • Becoming part of a larger network

Partner delivery options

The Data Science Institute works with higher professional education providers, training institutes, and consultancies. We offer a range of partner delivery options to best suit the needs of your organisation.

Deliver courses that suit you

Our partner model allows your learners to access our high-quality learning content online and prepare for the institute's exams and assessments. Meanwhile, partners may provide local classroom delivery, tutorial support, and workshops.

How we work with you

Step 1
Needs Assessment
Our consultants work with you to determine the best delivery option for your organisation.
Step 2
Our trainers prepare your institution for student enrolment and course delivery.
Step 3
Ongoing Support
Our support team continues to assist you with academic and administrative matters, while our consultants will keep you informed about new programmes and opportunities as they arise.