Postgraduate Diploma in  Data Science

The Postgraduate Diploma in Data Science is a comprehensive program that covers the key skills and knowledge needed by data scientists to develop insights and solutions across a wide range of industries and domains.
Full Time Online
Start 12/02/2024
End 01/11/2024
 This course is co-funded by the Government of Ireland and the
European Union
Eligibity criteria


What skills and knowledge will I gain?

The Postgraduate Diploma in Data Science has been developed by practising data scientists who have experience working with major international firms across a wide range of industries. They have identified the key skills required for data scientists and have also ensured that the course content conforms to the Edison European Data Science Framework’s Body of Knowledge (BoK-DS).
This course is credit-rated at the postgraduate level on the European Qualifications Framework and carries 60 ECTS credits. These credits can be transferred to the Institute’s MSc in Data Science and other master's degree programmes.

Key Skills and Knowledge

  • R and Python programming skills
  • Data management
  • Descriptive and inferential statistics
  • Data visualisation
  • Hypothesis testing
  • Analysis of variance
  • Predictive analytics
  • R and Python programming skills
  • Advanced predictive modelling
  • Time Series Analysis
  • Unsupervised methods 
  • Machine learning
  • Text mining and natural language processing

Tools and Languages


What you will learn on the course

You are provided with highly structured and detailed course content, broken down into ten distinct modules  covering core skills and knowledge through our learning management system. While the course is self paced, tutors are on hand to provide support and feedback for your exam prep and project work.
* Holders of the Postgraduate Diploma in Data Science can transfer 60 ECTS credits to the MSc in Data Science.
Postgraduate Diploma  Modules

Exploratory Data Analysis

Most industry analysis starts with exploratory data analysis and a thorough study of this will help you to perform data health checks and provide initial business insights. You will gain a sound understanding of Python and R programming, descriptive statistics, data management and data visualisation. You will also learn SQL for big data pre- processing and prepare data for big data analytics. The module serves as an essential foundation for advanced analytics taught later in the course.
  • Programming basics in Python and R
  • Data management
  • Measures of central tendency and variation
  • Bivariate relationships
  • Data visuallsation

Statistical Inference

Statistical inference is the process of drawing inferences or conclusions from data using statistical techniques. This is at the core of data science, and a strong understanding of statistics from the beginning is the prime ingredient for a competent data scientist. In this module, you will cover sampling, statistical distribution, hypothesis testing, and variance analysis and use R code to carry out various statistical tests and draw inferences from their output.
  • Principles of statistical inference
  • Parametric tests
  • Non-parametric tests
  • Analysis of variance (ANOVA)

Fundamentals of Predictive Modelling

Solutions to many business problems are related to successfully predicting future outcomes. This module introduces predictive modelling and provides a foundation for more advanced methods and machine learning. You’ll gain an understanding of the general approach to predictive modelling and then build simple and multiple linear regression models in Python and R and apply these in a range of contexts.
  • Predictive modelling principles
  • LInear regression models
  • Model validation
  • Python and R packages for predictive modelling

Advanced Predictive Modelling

In this module, you are introduced to model development for categorical dependent variables. Binary dependent variables are encountered in many domains such as risk management, marketing and clinical research and this module covers detailed model building processes. Multinomial and ordinal logisitic regression are also covered.
  • Logistic regression models
  • Survival analysis
  • Cox regression
  • Poisson regression

Time Series Analysis

In this module, time series forecasting methods are introduced and explored. You will analyse and forecast macroeconomic variables such as GDP and inflation, as well as look at complex financial models using ARCH and GARCH, ARIMA, time series regression, exponential smoothing and other models.
  • Time series concepts
  • Assessing stationarity
  • ARIMA, ARCH, GARCH modelling
  • Panel Data Regression

Unsupervised Multivariate Methods

Data reduction is a key process in data science and you will learn to apply data reduction methods such as principal component analysis, factor analysis and multidimensional scaling. You will also learn to segment and analyse large data sets using clustering methods, another key analytical technique that brings out rich business insight if carried out skillfully.
  • Principal Component Analysis
  • Factor Analysis
  • Multidimensional Scaling
  • Cluster Analysis

Machine Learning 1

Machine learning algorithms are new generation algorithms used in conjunction with classical predictive modelling methods. In this Machine Learning 1 module, you will understand applications of the support vector machine, K nearest neighbours and naive bayes algorithms for classification and regression problems using case studies from a range of industries and sectors.
  • Naive Bayes Method 
  • Support Vector Machine Algorithm
  • K nearest neighbours

Machine Learning 2

The Machine Learning 2 module continues developing your machine learning knowledge and you will cover decision tree, random forest and neural network algorithms for regressionand classification, again drawing on case studies from real world data. You will have the opportunity to compare the performance of machine learning algorithms against classical statistical models and learn to assess which are most appropriate for specific scenarios.
  • Decision Tree
  • Random Forest
  • Association Rules
  • Neural Networks

Text Mining and Natural Language processing

This module looks at analysing unstructured data such as that found social media, newspaper articles, videos and more. In particular you will look at methods for text mining and natural language processing using R and Python code to produce graphical representations of unstructured data and carry out sentiment analysis.
  • Structured vs unstructured data
  • Text mining in R and Python
  • Text mining using ggplot2
  • Sentiment analysis using R and Python

Data Science in Practice

The Data Science in Practice module provides you with an opportunity to yor apply knowledge through project work. You will select a project from a specific domain and appropriately apply exploratory data analysis, statistical methods and select appropriate advanced modelling techniques. This module also develops your scientific communication skills through the preparation of project reports and presentations.
  • Presentation and communication skills
  • Synthesis of data science knowledge
  • Application to real world data and scenarios

Who is the course for?

The Postgraduate Diploma in Data Science is an advanced qualification suitable for graduates with a degree or equivalent in a numerate discipline from a recognised institution. It is suitable for both those wishing to move into the data science field and experienced data  science professionals alike.
Career changers
Those wishing to change careers and transition to data science and analytics
Experienced Data Analysts
Experienced data analysts looking to move into a data scientist role
Data Scientists
Practising data scientists looking to confirm and extend their skills
Graduates with experience
Graduates from numerate disciplines including business and finance, computing, economics, the sciences, social sciences 
Managers and Leaders
Managers and leaders seeking to gain a technical understanding of data science and its role in business and organisations
Advanced Degree Holders
Master’s and PhD graduates from other disciplines

How do I progress with the Postgraduate Diploma in Data Science?

Holders of the Postgraduate Diploma in Data Science can progress to the Data Science Institute’s MSc Data Science. They may also combine their professional experience with the Postgraduate Diploma to achieve the institute’s Certified Professional Data Science certification.

What are employment opportunities will I have?

Holders of the Postgraduate Diploma in Data Science will find opportunities in data scientist roles across a wide range of sectors. Data Science and analytics is central to
AI, machine learning, robotics and forecasting, and is used across a wide array of industries and professional functions such as those listed below:
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Sports 
  • Marketing
  • Education
  • Manufacturing
  • Agriculture 
  • Utilities
  • Healthcare 
  • Healthcare 
  • Human Resources 
  • Telecommunications 
  • Banking and Finance
  • Academia
  • Insurance
  • Big Tech
  • Aerospace
  • Aerospace
  • Logistics
  • Environmental management
  • Cybersecurity
  • Engineering
  • Medical Technology

How is the course delivered?

Our unique, hands-on learning experience combined with our interactive learning platform and  industry case studies, real worlds data sets, project based assessment led by expert instructors and tutor support allows learners to build their knowledge and practice applying it before bringing it into a professional setting.
Interactive Learning Platform
Progress through the course using our highly structured, comprehensive learning content with 100s of video lessons, lecture slides, and quizzes
Case Studies
Learn from case studies, examples and datasets from actual companies produced by data science professionals.
Live Online Classes
Regular scheduled classes delivered by practising data scientists and webinars from industry professionals 
Build a portfolio
Carry out project work based on real world scenarios and data sets and build a portfolio to support you at work or improve your employability
Exam practice
Comprehensive practice questions and guidance to help you prepare for every module of your course exams
Expert Tutor Support
Expert tutors are on hand to guide you through the course, prepare you for exams and support your project work

Some numbers….


Shortage of data scientists
In the United states a study by Quanthub in 2020 estimated that there was a shortage of 250,000 data scientists in the USA alone


Open positions in UK/Ireland job openings with figures 10,000 + data science and analyst open positions in UK and Ireland (January 2022)

No. 1

Data Scientist/Analyst
According to the World Economic Forum report 2020 - fastest growing job roles- 1.  Data Scientists and Analysts  2. Machine Learning Engineers 3. Big Data Specialists 

See what our students say about us

Mohammed Hamad

Analytics Lead

DXC Technologies

“The course is very strong technically and the support was excellent”

Jehad Mossa

Senior Manager


“The overall course programme is very complete and I developed my data science knowledge substantially”

Manuel Tanpoco

(Ed.D, MBA)

Professor of Mathematics La Salle University

“As a mathematician and lecturer, I was impressed with the course content and explanation of the statistical methods and algorithms. I also benefited greatly from learning Python and R”

Mohammed Hamad

Analytics Lead

DXC Technologies

“The course is very strong technically and the support was excellent”

Jehad Mossa

Senior Manager


“The overall course programme is very complete and I developed my data science knowledge substantially”

Manuel Tanpoco

(Ed.D, MBA)

Professor of Mathematics La Salle University

“As a mathematician and lecturer, I was impressed with the course content and explanation of the statistical methods and algorithms. I also benefited greatly from learning Python and R”

Eligibility Criteria

People in the following categories are eligible to apply for courses in the HCI Pillar 1 2023/24 academic year (subject to the applicant meeting all residency and nationality/visa requirements and any academic requirements).

Recent Graduates 

Under the HCI 2023/2024 Initiative, recent graduates are eligible to apply for this programme, i.e. Level 8 2022 Graduates.
A copy of your transcript of results of the level 8 degree or a copy of the parchment confirming the award.

Fees: The fee for the Postgraduate Diploma in Data Science is €4,950 of which you pay 10% (€495)


Please note that those in employment, under the HCI Pillar 2023/24 initiative, 90% of the fees are covered by HEA and 10% of the fees are payable to the the Data Science Institute for this category of applicants. The applicant must also meet the nationality/visa requirements and residency criteria, i.e. they must be able to demonstrate that they have been ordinarily resident in an EU/EEA/UK/Swiss state for at least three of the five years preceding their entry to the programme. Either the applicant or their employer can pay these fees. Should your employer be paying your fees, please contact us and we can forward you a company sponsorship form in order to invoice to your employer.

A copy of a most recent payslip
This category of applicant will also be required to provide a copy of their most recent ‘Employment Detail Summary’ or other relevant revenue documentation.

Fees: The fee for the Postgraduate Diploma in Data Science is €4,950 of which you pay 10% (€495)


Self-employed applicants are eligible to apply.

A letter from their accountant or relevant documentation from Revenue showing that they are self-employed in Ireland would suffice

Fees: The fee for the Postgraduate Diploma in Data Science is €4,950 of which you pay 10% (€495)


Returners are those who are not in receipt of a payment from the Department of Social Protection, have previous history of employment but may require upskilling or reskilling to transition back to the workforce. Applicants must have been a homemaker or on other caring duties or economically dependent on a partner or spouse for a minimum period of 9 of the previous 12 months.

Applicants must swear a declaration before a Commissioner for Oaths attesting to their status. A form to complete this process is available here.

Fees: The fees for this programme under this category are fully funded at 100%.


To be eligible for a HCI Pillar 1 course, a person must be in receipt of an eligible DEASP payment or be signing for social insurance contribution credits, have a previous history of employment or self-employment and be actively seeking work.
Note: Applicants must be in receipt of any of the following social welfare payment for 9 of the previous 12 months and hold at least a Level 8 qualification.
Jobseekers Benefit 
Jobseekers Allowance 
One Parent Family 
Disability Allowance 
Qualified Adults of Working Age 
Carers Allowance 
Farm Assist/Fish Assist 
Widow's, Widower's or Surviving Civil Partner's Contributory or Non-contributory Pension 
Blind Pension  
Deserted Wives Allowance 
Most recent copy receipt of payment of any of the above categories.
A copy of a bank statement showing receipt of payments will suffice. If this is provided, please ensure you redact your account number, BIC and IBAN but your name should remain visible,
A Letter from the DEASP confirming you are in receipt of any of the above social welfare payment for 9 of the previous 12 months
Fees: The fees for this programme under this category are fully funded at 100%.
Proof of most recent payment;
A copy of a bank statement showing receipt of payments will suffice. If this is provided, please ensure you redact your account number, BIC and IBAN but your name should remain visible; 
A copy of the BTEA approval letter
Fees: The fees for this programme under this category are fully funded at 100%.